


St Paul’s Primary School warmly welcomes all families who wish to immerse their child in an education amongst a faith filled community.

Enrolling your child in primary school is a very important decision for your family. We would be pleased to show you our updated junior learning spaces and facilities, answer any queries you may have regarding your child’s education and give you an opportunity to view our teaching and learning in action. Personal tours with the Principal are available at a time that suits your family and every day is an Open Day at St Paul’s!   You are welcome to call our office to book a personal tour or for any other information on 9354 8970 or via our general inquiry form.


Please note children who wish to enrol in Prep must have turned five years on, or before April 30th, of the year he/she commences their Prep year of schooling.

Applications for Prep are due by the end of May in the year preceding enrolment. Late applications will be considered if places are available.

Family interviews will take place after an application has been received. Letters offering a position will be sent to families in June.

We look forward to welcoming you to St Paul’s!


Please take a virtual tour of our school here!

St Pauls School Map
St Paul's Church Building St Paul's Arts Building Presbytery School Administration Playground Teachers & Visitors Carpark Morning Drop Off Area Classrooms

St Paul's Church Building

St Paul's Church

Our Faith is pivotal to all that we do at St Paul's. The newly renovated Church is a central, sacred point for all in our community. Truly a work of art and a sight to behold.

School mass, religious sacraments and celebrations are held here.

St Paul's Arts Building

Arts Building

The St Paul's Arts Building is a colourful and welcoming addition to our school! Students visit here for Library, Visual and Performing Arts. Bright, airy and built to allow natural light to come through, it is a welcoming and inviting space for all!


The Library serves many purposes including resource centre, a separate learning and teaching space and is a hive of activity where all resources are processed and catalogued.

Art Room / LOTE Room

Another addition to St Paul's completed in 2010. This beautiful yet practical room is the place where all the children have fun and learn their Art and Italian.

Multipurpose Room

This room does exactly what it boasts – has many uses. Out of School Hour Care, assemblies, inside sport and PE, discos, community gatherings, the works. And it has a kitchen!



School Administration

School Administration

Our renovated administration area is the first point of contact when you visit St Paul's school.



Our students are fortunate to have a huge space for play activities and sport. We even have a St Paul's garden patch where students can cultivate their own vegetables! This space is also used for school sports and our school fete.

Teachers & Visitors Carpark

Teachers & Visitors Carpark

Morning Drop Off Area

Morning Drop Off Area

This is a designated drop area in front of the Presbytery for morning drop off only.


This spacious two level building accommodates our Prep - Year 6 classes